![]() | Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG)Within this grouping there are to be found a number of different international bodies from the public and private sectors that are active in the fight against identity theft and digital crime. INCIBE has been an active participant in APWG since April 2008 as a government organization that undertakes initiatives and pursues new developments in the struggle against computer fraud on behalf of the Spanish Administration. |
![]() | Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERT/CC)This is an association that grew out of the first CERT ever set up in the world the CERT of the Carnegie Mellon University. Today it includes over 67 teams that respond to security incidents in government contexts. This forum allows the exchange of experience and good practices that affect various countries around the world. |
![]() | Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST)An international organization incorporating and accrediting more than 270 teams responding to security incidents in government, business and academic fields. INCIBE is the flagship Spanish body as a National and Government CERT. It participates actively in this forum by exchanging experience and knowledge with the other teams. INCIBE has been accredited as a full member since December 2008. |
![]() | CNA - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)Since 2020, INCIBE is CVE Number Authority (CNA) appointed by MITRE, association dependent on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). On June 17, 2021 INCIBE is appointed Root, that is, coordinator and supervisor of other CNA, competent bodies in the designation, publication and disclosure of CVE affecting their sector and activity. |
![]() | ECSO (European Cybersecurity Organization)ECSO represents an industry-led contractual counterpart to the European Commission for the implementation of the Cyber Security contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP). ECSO members include large companies, SMEs and Start-ups, research centres, universities, clusters and association as well as European Member State’s local, regional and national administrations, countries part of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and H2020 associated countries. ECSO main goal is to promote cooperation in the early stages of research and investigation process as well as build cybersecurity solutions to sectors such as energy, health, transport and economics. INCIBE (in collaboration with SEAD and CDTI) actively participates as National Public Authority representing the interests of Spain in this organization (as a founding member since July 2016) as part of its Board of Directors as well as part of the Partnership Board with the European Commission. |
![]() | European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)The European Network and Information Security Agency of the European Commission (ENISA) works on behalf of the institutions of the European Union and its Member States. Its aim is the exchange of information and the enhancement of practices and knowledge in the area of information security. INCIBE is a collaborating organization and has been an active participant as a public body linked to the Spanish Administration since November 2007. It takes part in various working parties, is involved in various policies and initiatives in the area of cyber-security, in ensuring early alerts for security incidents and risks, in public-private collaboration, in the network of CERTs, and so forth. It is also involved in initiatives jointly run with other European agencies in security matters. INCIBE is the Spanish representative on the management board of ENISA, in the National Liaison Officers group, and the advisory committee of experts that provides guidance for defining strategies, as also the Permanent Stakeholder Group (PSG). |
![]() | Trusted Introducer and Task Force- Computer Security Incident Response Team (TF-CSIRT) of TERENATrusted Introducer (TI) and the Task Force Computer Security Incident Response Team (TF-CSIRT) of the Trans-Europe Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA) are organizations bringing together more than 170 European centres with security incident response teams (known as CSIRTs). These forums allow the exchange of experience and projects within a framework of co-operation between CSIRTs aimed at increasing confidence in digital systems. INCIBE has been recognized as a member of both organizations since July 2008, as the Spanish Government’s national response team for information security incidents. Since February 26, 2024, INCIBE-CERT has the highest recognition as a CERTIFIED member, thus being the first Spanish CSIRT to achieve this distinction. |
![]() | CSIRTs NetworkUnder the NIS directive, the CSIRT network works to contribute to the development of trust between Member States and promote rapid and effective operational cooperation. The European Commission participates in the network as an observer. ENISA is tasked with actively supporting national CSIRT cooperation, providing the secretariat and active support for incident coordination. It provides a forum where members can cooperate, exchange information and build trust. Members will be able to improve cross-border incident management and even discuss how to respond in a coordinated manner to specific incidents. INCIBE is a member of this forum, and participates during the period 2023-2025 as part of its management team. |
![]() | NIS Cooperation group and associated work streamThe general mission of the NIS cooperation group is to achieve a high common level of security for networks and information systems in the European Union. It supports and facilitates strategic cooperation and information exchange between EU Member States. The representative role is led by the national security department, where INCIBE participates as a technical advisor. On the other hand, there are specific work streams where topics related to incident management, the health sector, energy, supply chain, etc. are addressed, where INCIBE participates by providing its technical vision. |
![]() | AEI CiberseguridadThe Spanish Innovatory Business Grouping (AEI) in Cybersecurity for network and computer system security brings together businesses, associations, centres for research, development and innovation, and other public and private bodies. This grouping has as its main aims the promotion of the new technologies sector and the development of projects in the areas of information security and computing, and of security technology. INCIBE was a founder member, and has been an active participant since its creation in 2009. |
![]() | AENOR: CTN71 y SC27The code CTN 71 designates Technical Standards Committee 71, which covers Information Technology. INCIBE participates in this, contributing its views and knowledge in matters of security. INCIBE currently holds the chair of this committee. The code SC27 stands for the Security Techniques Sub-Committee of CTN 71. INCIBE has been a member of SC27 since October 2008, and is co-ordinator of Working Party 1 on security requirements, directives and services. |
![]() | CSIRT.esThis is a collaborative grouping that involves Spanish security teams (CSIRT) at different levels of operations, whether national or regional. INCIBE has been a member since May 2007. |
![]() | Foro Abuses ( acts as a meeting point where experiences and information about security incidents that constitute abuse can be exchanged with providers of telecommunications services in Spain. As a response centre for security incidents, INCIBE has been recognized as a special member since October 2007. |
![]() | Fundación Círculo de Tecnologías para la Defensa y la SeguridadThis is an association that provides a meeting place for the exchange of information between all those individuals and organizations related to the defence and security technologies sector. It is currently made up of bodies such as the Spanish Ministries of Defence, of the Interior, and for Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR), the Spanish National Aerospace Institute (INTA) and the Spanish Association of Electronic, Information Technology, Telecommunications and Digital Media Businesses (AMETIC) among others. INCIBE signed an agreement of collaboration with this Foundation on 16 February 2009, to encourage initiatives that will lead to the creating and developing of domestic technology applicable to defence and security in matters linked to electronics, computing and telecommunications. |
![]() | ISMS Forum SpainThis is a body whose aim is to encourage information security in Spain. This specialist forum allows collaboration and the exchange of experiences in the area of information security between businesses, public and private organizations, and professionals in this sector. INCIBE has been a member of the Management Committee of ISMS Forum Spain since December 2007, and has been participating in the advisory board of the Spanish Chapter of the Cloud Security Alliance, CSA-es, co-ordinated by ISMS and Barcelona Digital Technology Centre. |
![]() | RENIC (Spanish Network of Excellence on Cybersecurity Research)RENIC is a membership based sectoral association that includes agents of the research cybersecurity ecosystem in Spain (mainly Universities, research institutes and research centers). RENIC mainly aims to promote scientific research, technological development, innovation, knowledge and technology transference to industry and the development of R&D+I in the field of cybersecurity in Spain. INCIBE is promoter of this initiative, as well as honorary founding member (July 2016), actively collaborating with the activities of the association. |