INCIBE's CERT becomes the first Spanish CSIRT to become certified as a Trusted Introducer
This award reflects the INCIBE's commitment to the highest standards of the maturity model, quality and excellence in cyber security incident responses.

INCIBE-CERT, the reference centre for cybersecurity incidents for residents and private entities in Spain, operated by the Spanish National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE), a body under the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Civil Service, through the Secretary of State for Digital and Artificial Intelligence, has reached a major milestone by becoming the first Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) in Spain to be certified within a Trusted Introducer schema.
INCIBE-CERT is one of the reference response teams for cyber security incidents, coordinating with other national and international teams to contain and mitigate cyber threats to networks and information systems and reduce their impact on public security.
This internationally recognised certification validates INCIBE-CERT’s capacity and position in the maturity model as a CSIRT to provide incident management services with a high level of quality and excellence, thereby strengthening cyber security and protecting Spain’s digital infrastructure. This makes INCIBE's CERT the first CSIRT certified in Spain, having been a member of the Forum since 2008. This is an indication that it is well prepared to deal with cyber security incidents and contribute to digital security on a global scale.
Certification recognised worldwide
Trusted Introducer is an initiative for the recognition and certification of the quality and effectiveness of Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) at the European level. Ensuring excellence in cybersecurity incident management, certification is awarded following a thorough assessment of a CSIRT's procedures, infrastructure and response capability.
Achieving Trusted Introducer certification is a significant recognition. It demonstrates that a CSIRT meets the internationally established standards of the Security Incident Management Maturity Model (SIM3). Certification also facilitates mutual trust between different CSIRTs. This promotes cooperation in responding to incidents and mitigating cyber threats.
It currently brings together more than 500 European Computer Security Incident Response Teams, divided into three tiers of membership: Listed (180 in total, 27 from Spain), Accredited (512 in total, 26 from Spain) and Certified (47 in total, 1 from Spain), the latter being the highest tier.