Vigo hosts the eigth edition of the Spanish Cybersecurity Research Conference
INCIBE collaborates in this scientific congress together with the AtlanTTIC research group of the University of Vigo, and Gradiant Research Centre.

The National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), an agency dependent on the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, through the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, collaborates, during June 21, 22 and 23, 2023, in the eighth edition of the Spanish Cybersecurity Research Conference (JNIC), which this year will be held in the city of Vigo.
In this edition, pioneer in Galicia, the Conference is organized jointly by the AtlanTTIC research group of the University of Vigo and Gradiant Research Centre, with the collaboration of INCIBE.
JNIC is the specific scientific congress on cybersecurity of national reference, in which researchers and professionals from different parts of the national geography as well as from various countries, mainly Latin American, show their scientific research results from different perspectives, with a common nexus: cybersecurity.
Conference activities
The distribution of the conference is based on three main areas of work: research in cybersecurity, training and teaching innovation, and technology transference, along with keynote presentations by renowned researchers and round tables on disruptive technologies, or quantum technologies.
As a novelty in this edition, the call for participation included technological challenges to be included in the Capture the Flag training competition of this congress, which ended on June 12, and whose winners will receive their prizes during the Conference itself.
During the conference, several prizes will be awarded to the best articles in different categories such as research, teaching innovation, transference, or the winners of the CTF of JNIC..
The awards ceremony of the V edition of the RENIC Awards for the best "Doctoral Thesis" and the best "Master's Thesis in Cybersecurity" will also take place, giving the winners the opportunity to present their work during the Conference.
INCIBE’s support
INCIBE's sustained support for this scientific congress is part of the objective of promoting and boosting national research and innovation in cybersecurity, and forms part of various initiatives for the connection, cohesion and collaboration of the national cybersecurity research ecosystem.
In the framework of this conference, INCIBE will present preliminary results of the strong investment it has launched in the framework of Digital Spain 2026 through programs such as the Strategic Initiative for Public Procurement of Innovation, the Chairs program, the Research Missions Program, the RETECH Program, or the INCIBE-EMPRENDE 2023-2026 program (for entrepreneurs) in which the national research community has participated.