Using the Calera OT tool

Over the last few years, there has been a notable increase in cyber-attacks that cause economic losses, loss of confidential data or even affect the integrity of individuals.
Some of the most affected sectors are those related to industrial environments since, due to the new technologies implemented such as Industry 4.0 or the performance of maintenance remotely or through virtual reality, plants are much more exposed than they were in the past.
Due to these premises, experts in the industrial cybersecurity sector were very concerned, as improving cybersecurity in industrial environments required a large number of resources and in most cases was not possible. This is why the MITRE and CISA (US Cybersecurity and Infrastructures Security Agency) organisations have collaborated to create an open-source tool, called Caldera, specifically for use in OT environments.
Caldera OT is a very complete platform that allows you to create, execute and analyse different attack campaigns depending on the tactics, techniques and procedures that have been used. In addition, it allows you to create simulations of cyber-attacks so realistic that you can test the defence capabilities of the environment and evaluate its effectiveness against different types of cyber-attacks. Moreover, by conducting these cyber-attacks, new forms of threat analysis can be created, new ways of evaluating security tools can be created or the technologies that are in place in the industrial environments that have been used can be improved.
Thus, for all the reasons mentioned in this article and for many other advantages, it has been thought convenient to make a guide about the different ways of use that the Caldera OT tool can provide.