Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog updated on 25/07/2024

In the industrial environment, the interconnection of industrial equipment for maintenance via the Internet is becoming increasingly common. However, this has also opened the door to a new and dangerous landscape of threats. This article reviews one of the most representative threats within this current new paradigm, APTs, how concern about this type of threat is increasing, and how they operate during an industrial attack.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 02/05/2024

In the electricity sector, it has always been necessary to use robust communications that allow proper communication, since a failure in this sector would cause a large number of losses, both economic and social.

In addition, with the technological advances, it is important also to have secure communications since the electricity sector is one of the sectors that currently suffers the most cyber-attacks. For this reason, in recent years different robust and secure protocols have been created.

One of these protocols is DNP3, created mainly for the use of substation automation and control systems, for the electric utility industry, although it has now also been used for other sectors.

Finally, in this article we want to explain in more depth the operation of this protocol and the benefits or disadvantages of using this protocol.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 18/04/2024

CAPEC (Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification) is a project that focuses on enumerating and classifying common attack patterns on computer systems and providing a systematic approach to understanding and addressing the tactics used by attackers. Like CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration), CAPEC is an initiative of the computer security community and is maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States. Recently in version 3.9, the project has incorporated a number of attack patterns related to the industrial world.

This article aims to show the reader the use of these codes, such as those used at the identifier level in CVEs, CWEs, etc., and which are related to many of the jobs that are carried out on a daily basis in the industrial cybersecurity sector.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 04/04/2024

The automotive world has always been one of the most cutting-edge sectors in terms of the technology used, which is why today's cars are equipped with technologies such as Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, etc., which improve different aspects such as comfort, fuel efficiency and increased safety.

But these implemented technologies can also bring with them serious problems, such as the risk of cyber-attacks that can affect passengers in the vehicle, both at the level of personal data and physical security.

For this reason, this article aims to provide an insight into some of the cyber-attacks that smart cars have suffered and how cyber-security is evolving and adapting to make more and more vehicles cyber-safe.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 04/01/2024

Ransomware, one of the top cybersecurity threats in today's landscape, allows criminals to hijack data and demand ransoms. Although there are various families and variants, some are especially destructive. These cybercriminals have refined their methods, using everything from complex extortion to bug bounty-type programs. In the face of these challenges, we will explore tools and strategies to recover from and defend against such attacks.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 04/11/2023

The  Hive ransomware (especially in its v5 version) stands out for its sophistication, and for the impact caused to hundreds of companies and organizations worldwide, bypassing conventional defenses and challenging analysts with its advanced techniques.

In this article, we unravel its features, from its encryption methods to its anti-analysis countermeasures, illustrating not only the threat it poses, but also how it can be combated. Through a technical analysis, it is intended to empower readers with the knowledge necessary to understand and ultimately defend against these types of threats.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 09/11/2023

The  Avaddon ransomware appears as a disturbing threat that has demonstrated its ability to exploit vulnerabilities in systems, compromising the security and integrity of critical data. 

This article dives into the details of how Avaddon works, while also providing a comprehensive analysis of strategies to detect and mitigate the threat.

Imagen decorativa Avisos
Blog posted on 23/03/2023

En este estudio, se expone brevemente el origen y evolución de la amenaza ransomware LockBit 3.0, a través del análisis de varias muestras maliciosa, con el objetivo de facilitar la información necesaria para poder identificar las características propias de este malware, su comportamiento y técnicas empleadas, permitiendo así una mejor identificación y respuesta ante ella.