Digital Spain 2026

Digital Spain 2026 is the strategy launched by the government of Spain to promote the country’s digital transformation. This roadmap has several key dimensions, among them are infrastructure and technology, with cybersecurity being one of the highlights. Thus, it assumes a critical role in advancing digital progress in society. 

The Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan incorporates cybersecurity transversally into several of its components due to its importance in achieving the goal. Citizens, companies, and public administrations are increasingly more present in the digital universe, thus making the security of digital life more important and indispensable. 

The challenge set for 2026 is to increase cybersecurity capabilities in Spain, promote the development of the business ecosystem in this sector (industry, R&D&I talent) and enhance the country’s international leadership in digital security. 

In order to achieve all the objectives, strengthen the capabilities and digital confidence of citizens and companies, it is necessary to implement a culture of cybersecurity: investing in raising awareness of the risks associated with digitalization, as well as training in the digital skills of digital security.

The National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) is carrying out various initiatives in line with what has previously been mentioned: 

  • Strengthening cybersecurity for citizens, SMEs, and professionals (Confía): Developing information mechanisms, awareness and training mechanisms in cybersecurity, expanding the services already available for citizens, SMEs and professionals, collaborating with public and private actors, both in the field nationally and internationally, to promote appropriate ecosystems and channels for cooperation and joint defence against common threats, with the aim of improving digital capabilities. 
  • Promotion of Spain as an international node in the field of cybersecurity: The National Cybersecurity Competence Centre (NCC-ES) is launched, a mirror centre of the European Competence Centre (ECCC), also promoting participation in the European Network of mirror centres.
  • Promotion of the business ecosystem of the cybersecurity sector: Actions are undertaken aimed at promoting the expansion of the national cybersecurity industry, promoting I+D+I in cybersecurity, and identifying and developing talent.
    • IncibeEmprende: Develops ideation, incubation and acceleration for the creation of new start-ups in the sector and the consolidation and growth of existing start-ups, under the National Cybersecurity Industry Promotion Program.
    • Talento Hacker: The objective is to recruit, train, and employ workers in the cybersecurity sector. 
    • Ciberinnova: Promotes the capabilities of the national cybersecurity industry and the competitiveness of its solutions through different initiatives linked to innovation, under the Global Security Innovation Program.
    • Internationalization: INCIBE is promoting the national cybersecurity business ecosystem, enhancing its growth and internationalization.
  • Territorial Networks of Technological Specialization (RETECH): Articulates various regional projects aimed at digital transformation and specialization, ensuring coordination, collaboration and complementarity.
Compartir en Redes Sociales

Iniciativas INCIBE España Digital 2026

Iniciativa Confía

Iniciativa INCIBE Emprende

Iniciativa Ciberinnova

Iniciativa Talento Hacker

Iniciativa NCC-ES

Iniciativa de Internacionalización de empresas de ciberseguridad


