European projects participation
The Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) participates in European projects for the generation of tools or provision of services aligned with the strategic lines of activity of the entity, focused of its target audiences.
It is also INCIBE's mission to support and promote the national cybersecurity sector. For this reason, INCIBE supports those cybersecurity projects in European competitive calls led or participated by Spanish entities.
Project participation roles
INCIBE's European cybersecurity projects participation can take different roles depending on their involvement:
- Coordinator or project leader: In those projects highly linked to INCIBE's business lines and with a marked strategic interest.
- Beneficiary. Acting mainly as a reference actor in cybersecurity or as an end user mainly in Work Packages related to the definition of requirements, experimentation of the technological solution, or in the dissemination of project activities and results.
- Advisor. Providing expert vision to guide project activities through reviews and recommendations of the deliverables produced.
- Institutional support. In those projects considered of interest for the national cybersecurity sector, the agents responsible for cybersecurity or for society in general.
Active European projects
06/2024 - 11/2025 | SIC-SPAIN 4.0The Safer Internet Center 4.0 project, (SIC-SPAIN 4.0) gives continuity to the SIC.SPAIN 3.0 project continuing whit the previous objectives. The 4.0 project seeks to provide minors with skills for a safe and positive use of the internet, also offering awarness, counselling and denuciation services to support children, parents and educators. It is structured in three axes: awareness and edutacion, thelephone assistance through the helpline 017, and collaboration in the operation of the line. |
![]() 11/2023 - 10/2025 | NCC-ESThe European project NCC-ES belonging to the National Coordination Centre - INCIBE is funded by DIGITAL and aims to financially support the actions of INCIBE as an NCC by increasing and improving the capacities of the National Coordination Center in Spain whit the implementation of different actions and sevices in order to connect national companies focussed on the Cybersecurity sector. Finally, it is intended to ingrate these companies into the European ecosystem and the European Cybersecurity Competition Centre. |
CYSSDE06/2024 - 05/2028 | CYSSDEThe CYSSDE Project (Deployment actions in the area of cybersecurity) has been coordinated by LSEC (Belgium) being Project partners INCIBE (Spain), DNSC (Romania), FUNDING BOX (Poland), TOREON (Belgium), CYBER RANGES (Estonia) and for last CEEYU (Belgium). The objetive of improving the cibersecurity readiness of critical infraestructures in cybersecurity, essential services operators (OES) and small and medium-sized enterpises SMEs in Europe; This is carried out through the realisation of vulnerability assesments, penetration test (pentest) and risk monitoring. |
SECURE1/2025 - 10/2027 | SECUREThe secure Project- Deployment Actions in the Area of Cybersecurity (DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-06) aims to support European small and medium-sized enterpises, emphasising attention to support the implementation of the proposed Regulation on the Cyberresilence Act (CRA). The implementation strategy of the secure Project extends beyond its Consistorium through an approach with the European Network NCC that Will extend towards the EDIH Network and the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre. |
Previous European projects
03/2022 - 02/2024 | SIC-SPAIN 3.0The project Safer Internet Centre Spain 3.0 (SIC-SPAIN 3.0) is a continuation of the SIC-SPAIN 2.0 project with the same three objectives: awareness raising, helpline and hotline for dangerous content, as well as maintaining the key agents for raising awareness in the consortium. Finally, the Spanish presence in INHOPE is strengthened to contribute to eradicate child sexual abuse on the Internet. The operations of the helpline, as well as the report line, will guide the design of specific awareness-raising campaigns that will contribute to the capacity building of the European Strategy: Better Internet for Kids (BIK) of the pan-European INSAFE network of Safer Internet Centres. |
2020 - 2024 | Building sustainable capabilities to enhance and support the European Cyber Security ChallengeThe project Building sustainable capabilities to enhance and support the European Cyber Security Challenge funded by the CEF-Telecom programme through the CEF-TC-2019-2 call aims to co-finance the organization of the editions of the non-professional hacking championship: European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) in 2021 (in Prague - Czech Republic), in 2022 (in Vienna - Austria) and in 2023 (in Oslo - Norway). The three host countries will organize the final event of this competition in cooperation with ENISA, which leads the initiative together with the participating countries, as well as continue the development of the challenge platform that supports the ECSC competition encouraging the participation of the best young European talents in cybersecurity. INCIBE participates as a beneficiary providing its knowledge and advice on the organization of this type of events, as a result of its experience participating in this competition since 2015 and organizing in Malaga the 2017 edition. |
![]() 2019 - 09/2022 | DISRUPTIVEDISRUPTIVE is a Spain-Portugal cross-border cooperation project that seeks to improve research and innovation (R&D) infrastructures and the ability to develop excellence in R&D, and the promotion of competence centers, especially those of European interest. |
2021 - 02/2022 | SIC-SPAIN 2.0The project Safer Internet Centre Spain 2.0 (SIC-SPAIN 2.0) is a continuation of the SIC-SPAIN project with the same three objectives: awareness raising, helpline and reporting channel for dangerous content. With regard to the first of these, the public-private collaboration platform to promote the safe use of the Internet has been extended. The operations of the helpline, as well as the hotline, will guide the design of specific awareness campaigns that will contribute to the capacity building of the European Strategy: Better Internet for Kids (BIK). |
![]() 2019 - 2021 | 4NSEEKForensic Against Sexual Exploitation of Children. 4NSEEK encourages international police cooperation in the fight against child sexual abuse and the distribution of its contents through the Internet, through training actions of police authorities, awareness and dissemination for children and adolescents, parents and educators as well as technological development of forensic tools for obtaining digital evidence. |
![]() 2019 - 2020 | SIC-SPAINSafer Internet Centre Spain The SIC-SPAIN project continues and extends the service provided by Internet Segura for Kids (IS4K). It promotes the safe and responsible use of the Internet and new technologies among children and adolescents. In line with the European BIK (Better Internet for Kids) strategy, is part of the pan-European network INSAFE of Internet Safety Centers. |
![]() 2018 - 2020 | CERT-C3ISStrengthening Spanish INCIBE-CERT capacities for enhancing Cooperation and Intelligence Sharing in EU. CERT-C3IS improves CERT capacities of CERTSI (especially CERT and intelligence capabilities) to strength better services to INCIBE-CERT constituency, and to enforce cooperation and coordination with other EU CERTS, through the cooperation mechanisms provided by the Cybersecurity Core Service Platform (CSP). |
![]() 2016 - 2019 | Internet Segura for Kids (IS4K)Internet Security Center for children in Spain promotes the safe and responsible use of the Internet and new technologies among children and adolescents. In line with the European BIK (Better Internet for Kids) strategy, is part of the pan-European network INSAFE of Internet Safety Centers. Website IS4K |
![]() 2015 - 2019 | European Network for Cyber Security (NECS)NECS addresses the training and development of a European talent pool to help implement and support the European Cyber-security strategy as highlighted in the EC’s Digital Agenda. |
![]() 2013 - 2015 | Advanced Cyber Defence Centre (ACDC)">Advanced Cyber Defence Centre (ACDC)Is a complete set of solutions accessible online to mitigate on-going attacks and targeted both to end-users and to network operators. It also consolidates the data provided by various stakeholders (such as CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Team), LEAs (Law Enforcement Agencies) or ISPs (Internet Service Provider)) into a pool of knowledge, accessible through the ACDC central clearing house. |
![]() 2012 - 2014 | SCADA LABCoordinated by INCIBE with the objective of analysing the security measures applied in ICS (Industrial Control System) environments through an architecture divided into two main areas:
![]() 2012 - 2013 | CloudCERTAn innovative technological solution which aims to bring a secure information sharing testbed framework in order to exercise unified coordination using same communication protocol standards for improving visibility of common threat awareness, vulnerabilities, advisories and alerts specific to CIP (Critical Infrastructure Protection) |
![]() 2011 - 2014 | ASASECASASEC is an Innovative technology solution able to improve the technical means in the fight against child sexual abuse around the world. The main user of this solution is the Technological Investigation Unit of the National Police in Spain. Nevertheless, its design and development facilitate reuse by other international Security Forces. |
Collaboration of INCIBE in project proposals
To suggest the participation of INCIBE in European project proposals, it is necessary to send a request to the e-mail address: , providing the following information:
- Financing program, call and topic.
- Project title, description, objectives, scope and duration.
- Partners and roles.
- Relationship with the cybersecurity, justification and suitability of the participation of INCIBE.
INCIBE will analyse and evaluate the applications received, answering about the feasibility of the participation in the project.
Associated documents
Summary regarding INCIBE’s participation in European projects.
INCIBE's cybersecurity activity and balances.
For any other questions or additional information please contact us by sending an email to: