Entrepreneurship and Innovation

ENISE has established itself as an international benchmark event for the cybersecurity industry.

Dozens of organisations and companies will meet again in León on 18 and 19 October to exchange knowledge, discuss the latest trends and explore future challenges.

ENISE, the International Information Security Meeting, places entrepreneurs and start-ups at the centre of its activity and there will be an Entrepreneurship Space in which to deploy their cybersecurity solutions.

The two-day ENISE programme and the workshops will include lectures given by and for entrepreneurs, as well as prominent places for entrepreneurship programmes, as is the case of the acceleration and enrichment programme INCIBE Emprende, and four speaker corners in which all the sponsoring companies will be able to present their ideas.

ENISE is also a forum for innovation, where you can discover the main innovations and initiatives in the field, as well as some of the programme results such as Innovative Public Procurement.

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