A 16-year-old young accused of stealing 90GB of data from Apple's servers

Posted date 24/08/2018

A 16-year-old Australian teenager managed to get into Apple's servers and download approximately 90GB of data, although the company has assured in a statement that the data of its customers have not been compromised.

According to various sources, the young man, who acceded without authorization to the servers on numerous occasions over more than a year, made a series of mistakes that ultimately led to his identification: first he bragged with his WhatsApp contacts of his intrusion and, on the other hand, the two Apple laptops serial numbers that he used to carry out the attack were recorded on the servers. When the FBI confiscated the teenager's computers and mobile phone, the laptop's serial numbers and phone's IPs matched those recorded by Apple.

The young, whose identity has not been revealed because he is a minor, has pleaded guilty, alleging that his attack was motivated by his dream of working at Apple.