A cybercriminal wanted by the FBI is arrested in Huelva

The Spanish National Police Corps, in collaboration with the FBI, has arrested in the province of Huelva a 30-year-old citizen of Ukrainian nationality named Andrii Kolpakov as alleged responsible for sophisticated cyber attacks on bank cards worldwide.

The detainee is one of the presumed leaders of the organization Fin7, known in the cybersecurity field to which more than 100 computer attacks are attributed against companies from the catering, hostelry and games sectors. The attack consisted of a phishing by sending an email that contained a malicious file with which the attacker could obtain remote control of the system.

To this group, specialized in what is known as crime as a service, the FBI blames the theft of 15 million credit cards data in 47 states, as well as the execution of attacks against terminals of Point of Sale (POS) terminals, that when connecting to the network to transmit data are also susceptible to hacking.
