Security breach at Capital One Bank

U.S. bank Capital One has identified a security breach in its systems that allowed a cybercriminal to access the personal information of several million customers, between cardholders and credit card applicants.

Information accessed includes names, addresses, zip codes, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, birth dates, payment history, credit scores, account limits, and income. No credit card account numbers or login credentials were accessed improperly and only 1% of your customers' social security numbers were compromised.

As the financial institution explains in its official statement, Capital One immediately resolved the exploited vulnerability, which was a configuration fault. According to its internal investigation, approximately 100 million users were affected in the United States and another 6 million in Canada. It has also indicated that it will notify those affected and offer them free identity protection and credit monitoring. In addition, he adds that websites have been enabled to provide information and answer their questions, as the investigation continues. The FBI has arrested the person allegedly responsible, Paige Thompson, and he is in custody. He faces a 5-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine.