Cáceres hosts the fifth edition of the Spanish Cybersecurity Research Conference
INCIBE collaborates in this scientific congress together with the University of Extremadura, the Complutense University of Madrid and the COMPUTAEX Foundation

The Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE), an organisation dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business, through the Secretary of State for Digital Progress, collaborates, on June 5, 6 and 7, 2019, in the fifth edition of the Spanish Cybersecurity Research Conference (JNIC), which this year is being held in Cáceres.
For the first time, in its five editions, the Conferences are organized jointly by the University of Extremadura, the Complutense University of Madrid and the COMPUTAEX Foundation, with the collaboration of INCIBE.
JNIC is the specific Spanish scientific congress in cybersecurity, in which researchers and professionals from different parts of the national geography present the results of their scientific research from different perspectives, with a common topic: cybersecurity.
Its main aim lies in three main areas of work: research in cybersecurity, training and educational innovation. It also includes the third edition of a contest called JNIC Transference Program based on scientific challenges that seeks to connect the worlds of research and industry.
During the celebration of the Conference, various prizes will be awarded to the best articles of different categories and to the best solutions proposed to the challenges of the JNIC Transference Program.
The ceremony of the 1st edition of the RENIC Awards for the best "Doctoral Thesis" and the best "Final Work of Master” in Cybersecurity will also take place, letting the winners the chance to present their work during the Conference.
As a novelty in this edition, the reviewed and extended versions of the best articles may be sent to special issues, from different international journals, with a high impact index according to JCR, which represents a great attraction for researchers.
The sustained support of INCIBE to this scientific congress is part of the objective of fostering and promoting national research and innovation in cybersecurity, and is part of various initiatives for the connection, cohesion and collaboration of the national research ecosystem in cybersecurity.