Cybersecurity Ventures


The ten finalist start-ups of the 3rd edition of Cybersecurity Ventures, whose acceleration started in June 2021, held their Demo Day in October 2021 within the framework of 15ENISE where the three winners were announced.

What is Cybersecurity Ventures?

Cybersecurity Ventures is the International Acceleration Programme for cybersecurity start-ups promoted by INCIBE, with which we want to help you grow and achieve your goals.

The programme started in 2015 (pilot), with the 1st edition being held in 2017 (completed in 2018), the 2nd edition in 2019 and the 3rd edition in 2020 (completed in 2021).

Results achieved to date:

  • More than 35 start-ups accelerated.
  • 118 projects presented.
  • A growing Alumni Network of former participants.

What are this programme’s main goals?

  • To encourage the development of new technology-based companies in the field of cybersecurity.
  • To support entrepreneurial talent in the maturation of their business projects in cybersecurity through training, mentoring and networking with investors and entrepreneurial talent.
  • Contribute to the deployment of the cybersecurity strategy in Spain, linking it to the cybersecurity challenges contemplated in the Programme.
  • Complement the range of activities promoted by INCIBE as a national reference centre in cybersecurity.

Structure of the acceleration programme

Several activities are carried out through this programme both to all participating projects as a whole and to each one of them, individually.

These activities are structured as follows:

imagen del programa de aceleración


  • Roadmap: individual analysis of each project and joint definition with the mentor of a roadmap that will establish the acceleration plan and identify the milestones for value creation in the start-up.
  • Mentoring: development of the business idea with a main mentor suited to the start-up's profile and with support mentors in different areas. The mentor will coordinate the support and guidance of the project throughout the acceleration programme. The mentoring sessions will be individual and will be adapted to the needs of each company.
  • Training: work sessions and training pills aimed at developing competencies in areas related to the business, the entrepreneurial ecosystem and personal skills (soft-skills).
  • Networking: sessions and events with investors, Business Angels, Venture Capital, potential partners and potential clients both nationally and internationally.
  • Demo day: a day in which the finalist start-ups present their projects to the public and in front of a jury.

Who is eligible to participate?

Micro-companies or SMEs, with legal personality, legally constituted in Spain and whose registration in the Business Registry (“Registro Mercantil”) has been successfully carried out within the five years prior to the date of registration in the programme.

In the case of companies still in the process of incorporation, they must submit the application once they are legally constituted and always before the closing date of the call.

All submitted projects must seek business development in the field of cybersecurity, by means of innovative goods or services (they must be new or show significant improvements) oriented to the market.

What advantages do participants gain?

Participating start-ups obtain access to the following advantages:

  • Training and mentoring with first-rate professionals.
  • Networking with investors, Business Angels, Venture Capital, potential partners, and potential customers, both nationally and internationally.
  • Prizes worth EUR 120,000; in cash.
  • Three travel grants of 3500 euros for events or activities within the framework of ICEX and INCIBE’s activities.
  • Access, as a fully-fledged member, to our Alumni Network.
  • Greater visibility.
  • No compensation in capital (equity) or shareholding.

Experiences of some
accelerated start-ups

Previous editions of Cybersecurity Ventures

Accelerated Companies

Accelerated Companies

Should you have any questions about how INCIBE can help you in the entrepreneurial process, please access our FAQs section or send us a message to v e n t u r e s a r r o b a i n c i b e p u n t o e s

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