Transportation program

Last update: 14/07/2017

The organization makes available to Cybersecurity Summer BootCamp attendees private buses to facilitate transfers between locations.

Cybersecurity Summer BootCamp buses stop at the following points, depending on the location of the activity. You can check their location on the event map.

  • University of León (ULe). CRAI-TIC Building
  • INCIBE Headquarters
  • Auditorium City of León
  • Leon Oeste Auditorium
  • Santo Domingo. In this central place, all the buses of the event stop to facilitate access to attendees hosted in the city center.

In the bus program attendees can check the routes of each service. This page is updated on a regular basis, we recommend to check it periodically to be aware of possible updates.


Semana 2

Semana 2


Transportation program