4NSEEK Scholarship - Law Enforcement Authorities

This page is a short summary about the 4NSEEK scholarships, however, it is important that you keep in mind that all the information related to these scholarships and how to request them is available in the bases of the program. In the bases is defined all the scholarship program: what it is about, who may request it and how to apply for it, deadlines, etc. so, if you are interested in apply for it, it is essential that you read the bases carefully.

IMPORTANT: Any difference between the information on this page and the bases, will prevail what it is said in the bases.

Who may apply for this scholarship?

Students of the LEAs track of Cybersecurity Summer BootCamp 2019 that, in addition, meet the following requirements:

  • Work directly (it is not possible to be subcontracted or have any type of agreement or alliance) in Law Enforcement Authorities, and perform their work in any of these areas:
    • Technical work in cybersecurity in specialized units in the fight against child sexual abuse
    • Technical work in cybersecurity in specialized units in the fight against cybercrime
    • Realization of digital forensic analysis activities
  • Work in an entity not located in Spain

What does the scholarship consist of?

These grants are only to cover the costs of travel to and from León, Spain, to attend the Cybersecurity Summer BootCamp 2019 event.

Is it only an economic support of transportation? What about meals and lodging?

Right, this scholarship only covers the costs of the displacements. No meals or lodging are included in these grants.

However, depending on the group you belong to, it is possible that you have other economic support different from this one that does cover some of these things.

What types of trips are covered?

Long-distance trips are subsidized, that is, inter-city, international or intercontinental journeys.

These trips must be made in collective public transport such as airplanes, buses or trains.

No "small" trips are subsidized, such as trips within the same city, nor those that are not carried out in a collective public transport, for example, you could not come to León by taxi or rental car.

And how much money would I receive?

The aid amounts to a maximum of € 1,000 per student with scholarship. This means that if the trip from and to León costs you more than € 1,000, from the Organization we will only pay you € 1,000 and you will have to pay the difference. On the other hand, if coming to León is cheaper for you, from the Organization we will only pay you for what the trip cost you.

What if I buy the trips in a different currency than the euro?

In that case, to calculate the payment of your grant we will see what the difference was between the currency in which you bought the ticket and the euro on the day you made the purchase. We will use the values of the European Central Bank as a reference.

I’m in, How can I apply?

In the bases of the scholarship you have all the information related to this grant, there is also the form that you must send us to apply. It is important that you read these bases before making the request, since they detail all the rights and obligations that you will have in case of being a beneficiary of the program.

IMPORTANT: This is an informative page, any possible discrepancy between the content of this page and the bases, will prevail what is indicated in the bases.