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- 10:00 - Opening ceremony
- Juan Francisco García Marín. Chancellor of the University of León.
- Alison August Treppel. Executive Secretary at Inter-American Committee against Terrorism.
- Carme Artigas. State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence.
- 10:25 - Seminar: A global alliance for cybersecurity
- Marcos Gómez Hidalgo. Subdirector of INCIBE-CERT.
- 10:55 - Seminar: The vulnerability of cyberspace. A risk to National Security.
- Elena de la Calle Vian. Technical Advisor to the Department of National Security.
- 11:25 - Coffee break
- 11:55 - Seminar: OSINT for the detection of criminal groups
- Vicente Aguilera. President of the OWASP Spain Chapter.
- 10:00 - Seminar: Budapest Convention II
- Elvira Tejada. Coordinator prosecutor regarding Cyber Crime.
- 10:20 - Seminar: A CERT approach to forensic analysis
- Andrés Velázquez. MaTTica Chairman and founder.
- 10:40 - Seminar: Business models underlying ransomware-as-service (RAAS)
- Juan Pablo Castro. Trend Micro.
- 11:00 - Coffee break
- 11:30 - Seminar
- Miguel Carriegos. Director of the Cybersecurity Institute of the University of León.
- 11:50 - Seminar: Geopolitics and cybersecurity
- Nicolás Pascual de la Parte. Ambassador on Special Mission for Hybrid Threats and Cybersecurity.
- 12:10 - Clausura institucional
- Beatriz Soto. Deputy Director of Communication, Marketing and Institutional Relations of INCIBE.
- José Antonio Diez Díaz. Mayor of León.
General agenda
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