Financing, work program and call

The SIC-SPAIN Project “Safer Internet Centre Spain” is a Project co-financed by the European Union (EU) through the financing program CEF-Telecom, Safer Internet (CEF-TC-2018-1) call.

This call gives continuity to the call Safer Internet 2015-CEF-TC-2015-1 with similar objectives and that, as a consequence of a proposal participated by INCIBE that was financed, it led to the creation of the SIC (Safer Internet Center / Secure Internet) in Spain, named Internet Segura For Kids (IS4K).


The expected duration of the Project is from January 2019 to December 2020.

Motivation and Justification

The call 2018 CEF Telecom Call - Safer Internet (CEF-TC-2018-1) aims to support services that help make the Internet a trusted site especially for children, by providing an infrastructure to share resources, services and practices among SICs and to provide their services to their users, including the industry.

Based on its interoperability with the Core Service Platform, funding, under this call, will allow the various European SICs to maintain and expand national platforms throughout the EU through the following services:

  • Awareness: A center to raise awareness among children, parents, teachers and other professionals who work with children about the risks they may encounter through online activities about the protection of minors. Specific awareness-raising tools and services will be developed in cooperation with third parties.
  • Helpline: Online help services that provide support for young people, parents, educators and other professionals in the field, in matters related to the protection of minors on the Internet.
  • Hotline: Comprehensive citizen reporting service aimed at receiving and managing incidents related to illegal images and videos of child sexual abuse online.


The main benefits of this Project are:

  • Expand and improve the dissemination at national level, working with children, youth, parents, educators and associated professionals to know the threats to minors and adolescents in the use of internet and technologies.
  • Create a national public-private platform to cooperate in a coordinated manner in terms of dissemination and awareness.
  • Strengthen the presence of the Spanish SIC in the INSAFE and INHOPE network.
  • Increase collaboration with FCSE in report indicators, presence in INHOPE and reporting line. Aumentar la colaboración con las FCSE en reporte de indicadores, presencia en INHOPE y línea de reporte.


The SIC-SPAIN Project led by INCIBE focuses on three main lines of activity.

El Proyecto SIC-SPAIN liderado por INCIBE se centra en tres líneas de actividad principales:

Continuity and reinforcement

Continuity and reinforcement

  • Continuity and reinforcement of the current activity of the Spanish SIC: IS4K in the three lines of work identified:
    • Awareness: the awareness-raising programs on the use of cybersecurity will continue to be carried out and improved, such as the school symposium program, the cyber-cooperative program and participation in various events. All this to ensure the promotion and awareness of cybersecurity in children, youth, parents, educators and other professionals in the field. Counting for these works with the collaboration of the several partners of this project.
    • Helpline: INCIBE will continue the maintenance of the existing Helpline for free and confidential advice.
    • Hotline: continuum of the coordination at the national level with the FCSE, as well as at European level, through active participation in the INHOPE network.

Improvement of coordination

  • Improvement of coordination among the consortium participants, as well as with other agents present and active in this area to create a public-private platform in which several entities coordinate to deploy awareness actions on the use of the internet in minors with an impact expanded at the national level.
Improvement of coordination
Strengthen the presence in INHOPE

Strengthen the presence in INHOPE

  • Strengthen the presence of the Spanish SIC in the INHOPE world network to eradicate child sexual abuse on the Internet through an active collaboration with the various security bodies in Spain with competences in this area.


The main beneficiaries of this project are the children and their parents and educators, who will benefit directly from all the actions carried out by the project.


  • Awareness: INCIBE and the other beneficiaries execute different actions to raise awareness on the safe use of technology by children, young people, parents, educators and other professionals in the field. Below are the newsletters with the activities implemented in the framework of the SIC-SPAIN Project:

    Newsletter august 2019Newsletter december 2019

  • Helpline: INCIBE offers to companies, citizens, parents, minors and educators a cybersecurity helpline, where they can make enquiries through a web form and a free telephone line: 017. It also offers a section of FAQs where you can find answers to the main doubts about the safety of children and young people on the Internet.

    017 Tu Ayuda en Ciberseguridad

  • Hotline: INCIBE collaborates with the LEAs through Denuncia Casi, orienting any person to denounce to  Cuerpo Nacional de Policia and Guardia Civil the existence of content or online aspects that may be considered inappropriate, harmful or presumably criminal.

Below is a video that includes a brief summary of the actions carried out by some of the members of the consortium:


SIC-SPAIN is led and coordinated by INCIBE. The consortium is therefore formed by:

Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad (INCIBE)



It is an organisation dependent on the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence and consolidated as a reference entity for the development of cybersecurity and digital trust for the citizens, academic and research network, professionals, companies and especially for strategic sectors.

With an activity based on research, the provision of services and coordination with the agents with competences in the field, INCIBE contributes to build cybersecurity at a national and international level.

Its contribution to this project is based on the coordination of all partners and participation in all its lines: awareness, help line and hotline, giving continuity to your management of the Spanish SIC, IS4K.

Policía Nacional


Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (Spain)

Cuerpo Nacional de Policía is an armed institute of civil nature, with a hierarchical structure whose mission is to protect the free exercise of rights and freedoms and ensure citizen security, with scope of action throughout the national territory. This mission is materialized through the performance of the functions attributed by the legal system to the National Police, and in particular those provided for in Organic Law 2/1986, of March 13, of Security Forces and Bodies.

Its contribution to this project is to collaborate in the consolidation of the Spanish SIC through the development of the hotline since they have the competences in this field. In addition they will also collaborate as part of an advisory board and through awareness campaigns.

Guardia Civil


Guardia Civil (Spain) 

Guardia Civil is a Public Security Corps of military nature and national scope that is part of the State Security Forces and Bodies. The main mission of the Civil Guard will be to guarantee the protection of citizens against criminal acts that may threaten them, ensure compliance with the law, bring to justice those who fail to comply, defend the free exercise of rights and freedoms and preserve citizen security.

Its contribution to this project is to collaborate in the consolidation of the Spanish SIC through the development of the hotline since they have the competences in this field. In addition they will also collaborate as part of an advisory board.



Empantallados is a free-access online project aimed at Spanish-speaking parents, in order to help them to educate their children in a healthy use of technology. Empantallados is an initiative of Fomento de Centros de Enseñanza in collaboration with numerous experts of Education, Health Care and Technology.

Empantallados will support Consortium’s mission creating and sharing online resources for parents to encourage them to take advantage of the Internet opportunities for children, taking into account not only a risk approach. Empantallados will also organise a School for Parents about digital education, in various cities of Spain; and will develop an annual survey about impact of technology on families.

Fundación Aprender a Mirar


Fundación Aprender a Mirar (FAAM)

Fundación Aprender a Mirar is a non-profit organization that works for the defence of audiovisual media users, especially children and young people, through training, information, social action of prevention, denunciation, defence and the promotion of values. It also acts as a consultant for organizations and entities involved in the audiovisual world in order to promote content of quality, with a positive approach that guarantees the protection of minors.

It promotes the knowledge and use of netiquette, the effective management of privacy and identity in the network and media education that allows users to know their rights as users and acquire basic skills such as viewers, netizens and players. It supports and disseminates research in neuroscience that is related to the processes of perception, cognition and learning through screens and the Internet whit the aim to achieve an improvement in the efficiency of educational processes.

The work of the Foundation is based on training and information. It has the Contrast Audiovisual Education Program (PEAC), call for competitions to encourage young people's creativity in specific topics such as the photo-comic contest PUM! Cyberbullying. They offer a Web/ Appupdated daily and a monthly Magazine. They have also published 4 guides in collaboration with the Community of Madrid. They have two lines of expertise in cyberbullying and techno-addictions, for example, the PDA Bullying program.




iCmedia is the Federation of Consumers and Media Users Association who promotes initiatives to promote the quality of audiovisual contents.

Its contribution to this project is the Media Literacy Toolkit which develops pedagogical tools for educator, parents and children to let them acquire the capacity to value the narrative and technical quality of contents, and its age rating, so they can make free and informed decisions in the consumption of audiovisual content.

Pantallas Amigas


Pantallas Amigas

It was born in 2004 with the main aim of promoting education for the cybercitizens, the education and digital well-being, with the focus on infancy rigths. Among their interventions we can find: the creation of didactic resources, the conduction of awareness-raising campaigns and informational conferences, the counselling to institutions, educational centres and families, the development of formative schemes and the intervention in public policies. It has deployed interventions in more than 15 countries of Latin America and Europe. Moreover, it does cooperate with the UNODC and it is member of the Trust and Safety Council of Twitter. The contribution to this project is focused on five interventions:

1.The extension of Cybermanagers project, which since 2010 promotes not only the service–learning but also, the peer learning. Where eldest students are educated to train minor students, families and teachers in digital citizenship, cyber-cohabitation and gender equality.

2. The development of the Legaltest project which by a videogame will allow minor children to know about legal responsibilities and limits.

3. Awareness-raising campaign about the hazards of the Selfies and viral challenges.

4. Awareness-raising campaign regarding abusive use and addiction to Internet, mobile phones, social networks and videogames, particularly in families.

5. Connected Citizenship conference, giving continuity to 2014 edition with a review of the challenges and opportunities of the screens for the childhood and adolescence.

Plataforma de infancia


Plataforma de Infancia

The Spanish Children’s Rights Coalition (known as Plataforma de Infancia) is an alliance of not-for-profit, plural, democratic, and politically and religiously independent organizations that work to achieve a full implementation of the rights of children and adolescents. The ‘Plataforma de Infancia’ unites the efforts of all non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders involved with the welfare of children. Among its objectives are: to raise awareness about the rights of the children, to develop the dialogue, the collaboration and the participation in all public and private organizations related to the welfare of children, to promote general and specific policies, that promote the welfare of children and especially of those children in situations of individual or social risk, to encourage the participation of children, to report the situations where violations occur of the rights of children, strengthen democratic and civil society structures with the support, creation and consolidation of national and international platforms, coordinators or children networks, to defend and promote human rights and freedoms, peace, democracy and citizen participation on equal terms for women and men, especially children and, in general, non-discrimination especially children and girls and, in general, non-discrimination and respect for diversity.

Plataforma de Infancia contribution is that, the children and adolescents that participate in the activities can do their own proposals, opinions and experiences about the safe use of the Internet. They will be the main actors and actresses of the experience. In the site the youth participating in the processes, will be able to make their contributions about how to contribute to have a safe internet space, where their rights are respected and kept on mind. The complete process will be developed on the base of a participative methodology. In the annual face-to-face meeting of “Cibercorresponsales” network, youth will debate about security issues. During the year, other small training and debate spaces will be held in which the educating teams will be part of.

logo Universidad Complutemse de Madrid


Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) is the largest university in Spain and one of the most prestigious in Europe. Its teaching and research centers are mainly on the Moncloa Campus, in the “Ciudad Universitaria”, and on the Somosaguas Campus. There are also some other buildings in the centre of Madrid.

In December 2009 Spain’s Ministry of Education recognized the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) as partners in an International Campus of Excellence, Moncloa Campus.

In year 2018-2019, the UCM offers 322 official degree programmes, including: 69 bachelor’s degrees, 20 double bachelor’s degrees, 158 master’s degrees, 58 doctoral programmes and 17 international degrees. Moreover, permanent training is offered through 109 unofficial master’s degrees, 29 university specialization courses and 34 university expert courses.

The UCM has 26 faculties, 10 associated centers, 37 university institutes and research centers, 7 schools for professional specialization, 9 research assistance centers and ICTS, 14 clinics and hospitals, 5 university residences UCM and 2 centers abroad. Its 32 libraries bring together 3,000,000 volumes.

Their contributions in this project are: Participation in the design of the participative methodology for the youth panel; Media monitoring, contribution to the organization of a campaign towards University students and staff, Design of the quantitative sample (especially to consider the diversity of demographic profiles in terms of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background); Organization of focused groups and workshops; Presentation of the preliminary and final reports based on quantitative and qualitative data.

EU Kids Online Spain



EU Kids Online Spain (UPV/EHU)

The research team from the UPV/EHU is the Spanish team of the EU Kids Online research network. This network seeks to enhance knowledge of European children’s online opportunities, risks and safety. It uses multiple methods to map children’s and parents’ experience of the internet, in dialogue with national and European policy stakeholders. It has been funded by the EC’s Better Internet for Kids programme.

The UPV/EHU Research team’s contribution to the development of the project will be focused on two main issues: diagnosing tasks related to children’s online safety as well as parental mediation and assessment related to awareness activities.

Related European Projects

Internet Segura for Kids (IS4K)

2016 - 2019    

Internet Segura for Kids (IS4K)

Internet Security Center for children in Spain promotes the safe and responsible use of the Internet and new technologies among children and adolescents. In line with the European BIK (Better Internet for Kids) strategy, is part of the pan-European network INSAFE of Internet Safety Centers.

Website IS4K


2021 - 02/2022    


The project Safer Internet Centre Spain 2.0 (SIC-SPAIN 2.0) is a continuation of the SIC-SPAIN project with the same three objectives: awareness raising, helpline and reporting channel for dangerous content. With regard to the first of these, the public-private collaboration platform to promote the safe use of the Internet has been extended. The operations of the helpline, as well as the hotline, will guide the design of specific awareness campaigns that will contribute to the capacity building of the European Strategy: Better Internet for Kids (BIK).

Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union