Tools for carrying out forensic analyses on mobile devices

Posted on 23/02/2016, by
Asier Martínez (INCIBE)
forensic analyses on mobile devices
When carrying a forensic analysis for mobile device , bearing in mind first and foremost the phases of acquisition and analysis of the evidence, it is necessary to know a wide range of methods, techniques and tools as well as the criteria necessary for being able to evaluate the suitability of using one versus another.

The evolution of software in industrial control systems

Posted on 23/07/2015, by
Technological development over time has not been irrelevant to the industrial sector. The latter has evolved in terms of hardware, software and communications, providing industry sectors with greater support and facilitating production in companies. In this article, we will focus on the evolution of software characteristics in industrial control systems.   - Evolución Software - We will begin...

Differences between TI and TO

Posted on 13/07/2015, by
The worlds of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology) have traditionally remained independent of each other, but this really should not be the case given that nowadays both areas needs are becoming more and more similar. The needs and problems they have are becoming more and more alike and the experience each area boasts should be made available to the other. -...

What is a correlation? And data analysis tools

Posted on 09/07/2015, by
Héctor R. Suárez (INCIBE)
What is a correlation? And data analysis tools
When information of a dataset are analysed, whose origin or “feed” may be a database, information of raw files, logs, spreadsheet data, etc. one of the most powerful tools for drawing conclusions is to carry out correlations. In the post “The importance of language, binary diffing and other “One Day” stories”, we highlighted that the term “correlation” has begun to be heard frequently. However,...