En esta sección se ofrecen contenidos de interés para los profesionales de TI que se ocupan de administrar sistemas, servicios, aplicaciones, equipos de redes, soporte técnico y de usuarios, controles de acceso y especialistas de SOC o de respuesta a incidentes de TI.

Accessing Control Systems Securely: Two-Factor Authentication and Remote Access

Posted on 31/05/2018, by
Accessing Control Systems Securely
From the point of view of cybersecurity, access to automation and industrial control systems is one of the most critical control points and that's why special care must be taken when it comes to applying access security and fortification policies. On occasions, it is necessary to carry out remote tasks such as, for example, maintenance, upgrading or device or application management work. Thus, external personnel outside our company may perform said tasks, including manufacturers, wholesalers or providers of services, making it necessary to protect these accesses from potential threats.

The value of commitment indicators in industry

Posted on 08/03/2018, by
Cover commitment in the industry
In recent years, indicators of compromise have become the best way of exchanging information when it comes to managing an incident. But, do we really know how to manage an indicator of compromise? The aim of an indicator of compromise is to map the information that is received or extracted during the analysis of an incident. This is done in such a way that it can be reused by other investigators or affected people, in order to discover the same evidence in their systems and to be able to determine if they have been compromised or not.

Industrial Security 2017 in Numbers

Posted on 18/01/2018, by
en cifras 2017
The year 2017 has come to an end, maintaining the trend of previous years, we have witnessed an increase in the number of vulnerabilities published affecting industrial control systems. Fortunately, companies are making greater efforts to prevent attacks and mitigate risks. For this new year 2018, a similar scenario is expected in which industrial cybersecurity still increases its importance.

Cybersecurity and IoT Privacy Risks and Challenges

Posted on 26/12/2017, by
Miriam Puente García (INCIBE)
Riesgos y retos de ciberseguridad y privacidad en IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) has started to become part of daily life in society: intelligent homes, intelligent education, intelligent healthcare, wearable devices, the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and other industries make great use of this technology, with it playing a key role in the digital transformation and the hyper-connection of their elements.

Safety initiatives and best practices for IoT

Posted on 11/12/2017, by
Miriam Puente García (INCIBE)
Iniciativas y prácticas de seguridad para el IoT
Tomando en consideración las amenazas y los riesgos detallados anteriormente queda de manifiesto la necesidad de desarrollar acciones o modelos de protección para mitigar las vulnerabilidades que surgen del tratamiento de los datos de los usuarios así como prácticas de seguridad en la funcionalidad y el despliegue de tecnologías IoT.